商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:dafei123.qy6.com 供应桥梁伸缩装置 MZL240型伸缩缝 _衡水炜荣橡胶工程有限公司
联系人:张丽 女士 (营销经理)
电 话:0318-6661388
手 机:18730806320


供应桥梁伸缩装置 MZL240型伸缩缝



An overview of bridge expansion joints:

In order to meet the requirements of bridge deformation, usually on the hinged position between the ends of two beams, beam end and the abutment, or between the bridge set expansion joints. Requirements of telescopic seam in both parallel and perpendicular to the two directions of bridge axis can freely telescopic, firm and reliable, vehicle out of date should be smooth, no sudden jump and noise; to prevent blockage of the rainwater and garbage soil infiltration; installation, inspection, maintenance and remove the dirt to simple party will. In the setting of expansion joints, railings and bridge deck pavement should be disconnected.

张丽 女士 (营销经理)  
电  话: 0318-6661388
传  真: 0318-6661388
移动电话: 18730806320
公司地址: 中国河北衡水市桃城区橡胶城356号
邮  编: 053000
公司主页: http://dafei123.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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衡水炜荣橡胶工程有限公司 公司地址:中国河北衡水市桃城区橡胶城356号
张丽 女士 (营销经理) 电话:0318-6661388 传真:0318-6661388
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